
When I dismantled the refrigerator and found various ingredients. I think I lead it to cook. So I searched for spices to cook and I found the spice I-Chef brand.


I-Chef brand is a spice for steam in the pot. Ready to cook.


The ingredients

- Vermicelli

- Cut Ginger

- Cut Mushroom

- Shrimp

- Pork fat and butter

- The Seasoning steaming pot of "I-Chef"

"I-Chef", Shrimp and Pork

Clean all ingredients and cut it. Bring all the ingredients to the bowl. (Except pork fat, butter and shrimp) Pour the I-chef into the ingredients bowl and mix well.

Take all ingredients, put on a pan with butter and pork fat. Close the lid to steam.

Place fat, pork and butter on a hot pan.

Mix all the ingredients together.

The ingredients are mixed. Put in a pan of Teflon.

Place shrimp in pan on all ingredients.

Close the lid so that all cooked.

Shrimp color turns orange when cooked.

"Shrimp and Mushroom steaming pot"

Ready to eat

สายลม ที่ผ่านมา

 Monday, July 9, 2018 3:25 PM
